
How to get quality leads

 to join your list without resistance and do it in…

 in less than 90 days

without losing your mind, breaking the computer, or firing your team! 

While having self-care time,  live your life and eat good food,


So you can travel worry-free, pay without looking at the tag or just take the weekends off

Without having to learn code, or having to sell a kidney to survive the recession ????. 

There are more than 2 billion online buyers in the e-learning industry and in 2020 that will probably grow faster than we realize!

Are you gonna grab a bucket or a truckload of gold from this mine?!

Maybe you got a once in a life-changing program, some ultra-secret formula so good world-known gurus can’t compete or a 30 min exercise that will make anyone fit. 


Maybe you have been in hustle-mode since you started your business and want to stop trading dollars for hours so that you can get paid what you are really worth not what some company. 


Maybe you have created the best program online that fills up your pocket but still feels like your message needs to be told to many more, while avoiding burnout leveraging automation to pump up that momentum in your business.

It doesn’t matter where you are at right now, because there is no better time to ride the wave to give your audience the irresistible experience they crave for online. 

You cannot afford to not do anything yet…

Keeping your message and knowledge from those who are seeking you, will leave you unfulfilled and your ideal clients crying.

STOP Before we go on about all this, we need to take a look at the REAL problem here… 

Because this is a serious business. 

Would you buy a VHS when everyone is streaming on Netflix?

Would you use a flip phone when everyone’s got a smartphone?

Would you insist on riding a horse in the city instead of a car?

Things have changed fast, social media and tech is are an essential part of your life and mine.  

So why do you insist in doing the same strategies to launch your program that is so slow it drains you out? 

In times like now, when Covid lockdowns happened worldwide and in-person events were shut down, you have no choice but to pivot to digital, so why do you insist in over complicating everything?  

Everything changed:

Buyer behavior,

Attention span, 

Market Value flipped,

Everyone’s habits,

School and learning,

Our fears took over some (thanks to the stupid virus and 2020) and businesses have closed down.

This is not a simulation, this is reality. At least in this realm. 

So does it make sense to make your events also fully virtual? YES!

How about creating better online experiences, since everyone is freaking online?!

So stop the madness of thinking in 2021 we are all going back to “normal” because what the heck is that anyway?

7 Reasons Everyone’s Loving Virtual Events

And you should launch one to become an authority and sell your program easy!

The world needs to hear your and the guest speakers’ message to finally breakthrough! 

They have unlimited power:

“More than 500,000 people visited Adobe’s virtual Summit in the spring, roughly 16 times more people than we expected to attend the event live. In the first 24 hours alone, visitors watched 22,600 hours (2.6 years!) of video.” from Marketo. com 

Events change lives:

The topic and purpose of your digital experience can impact people in all levels. 

Events fill your pockets:

When you create a virtual event that is irresistible to your audience they will most likely buy your service or products.

No matter where you are located:

You can reach the whole world and it’s easier for the attendees to fit in their schedules.

They cost less to produce:

This will help you focus your budget on other marketing and publicity instead.

Less time to plan, produce and execute: This allows you to have more than one event a year and to fit it in your marketing schedule. 

They are appealing to ALL levels of speakers:

You can get A-listers excited as much as B-listers. This gives you a broader pool of experts to share with your audience. 

3 Types of Snooze Fest Experts you should not be taking virtual event planning advice from:

The Overwhelmer Expert, you have to know it all in the least amount of time. So much work and they promise they will be there but when asked questions they are M.I.A and their teams are running the show.

The Fluff and Puff Expert, this one has all his tech and brand polished, his social media is always on point, talks a lot but never gets to the meat of the content. Doesn’t ever spill the how and always disappoint when you invest in the big vip packages. 

The Out of Touch Expert, has forgotten the reality of his leads and the value vs market limitations in the time of a pandemic. He thinks that he can piggie-back from the A-listers participating in his event for the sales that he fails to reach an impact by himself. The one who tells you to let others do the work.

This is where I come in, the antithesis of all things fluff and appearance, the slayer of BS, and the basher of flashy gimmicks that don’t work.

I am Anna Andrea and I should be rotting in a cubicle taking calls solving problems for a Big Corp. never getting promoted for saying no to sexual advances, full of stress, and on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Because that was the best salary available in my country El Salvador. 

But I am here, on my own terms, making more money than that salary and as much money as I want, traveling when I want, sleeping in whenever I please without having to stand all those strangers yelling to me about their bills. 

Today, I am making 5 figures a year, thousands of views on Youtube and Facebook, and have taught hundreds of entrepreneurs all over the world in both english and spanish how to become irresistible leaders online. I started in February 2014 with my first job online as an admin VA with zero connections and not even planning on building my own business to launching my own programs, virtual summits and selling with ease. 

My students have used my attraction marketing strategies, automation setups, and we’ve produced events that have made over 5-6 figures. 

I am not that special.

I have to admit I do have friends in high places, God as my CEO, but I don’t have big name affiliates, no massive team either.

Some days I binge on Netflix and eat junk food, and heck sometimes I can’t get out of bed.

I am just a girl who believed in who she was in Christ and invested in herself. I put myself to action and helped others do the same. 

With me by your side you will too become an irresistible leader online on your terms.

5 Life-Altering Ways Your Business and Life Is About To Change For The Better.

THIS IS YOU: Hundred to thousands of email subscribers excited to join your virtual event, hundreds of eager buyers for your upsells, and a business so successful you can help out whoever you want to change their lives.

THIS IS YOU: Your virtual event strategy, your planning, your content, speaker deals, all the tech you need figuring out with ease. A life so happy you can do whatever you want.

THIS IS YOU: You are now being mentioned by the speaker experts to other pears, you are well-known in the space and are considered an expert yourself. Your calendar is booked with clients and your programs sell out all the time. Life is so full of joy that your haters turned into followers. 

THIS IS YOU: Taking a month trip with your family twice a year now is the norm and being invited to speak virtually and in-person all over the world is keeping you active and connected to those you love.

THIS IS YOU: You never look at the price tag anymore, you buy and invest and sell all the time without worry. No more hoping and praying, but winning without toil!

How do you get there? I have a system that will take you there.


You are weeks away from creating, planning, launching your own irresistible virtual event, and selling your online programs with more profit, more freedom, and ease.

Module One: The 3 Phases

In this module you will learn the full 3 Phases of Virtual Event Planning. They will help you make decisions and plan accordingly to hit deadlines. These 3 phases will help you design a profitable virtual event.

In Phase #1 You will learn to plan the logistics, design the concept, how to decide and plan the content to be delivered, how to research speakers, and how to book them.

Phase #2 You will finally have confidence with the technology. Here’s where you decide the tools, how big the virtual event is going to be, what tools for communication will be used, writing the copy for emails and chat, and how to record the content.

Phase #3 You will learn how to create your own social media plan and create it in 1 week. You will also learn how to use Facebook TM and Instagram TM ads (optional!), how to promote, produce and execute the virtual event. Also you will learn how to follow up and what to do after the event is over!

Module Two: Event USP

In this module, you will learn how to create your virtual events USP (Unique Selling Proposition). What makes your event special and different? We will go over the mission, vision, purpose, and outcome of the event so we can transform it from an idea to reality. 

You will learn how to define the theme and topic, the name and the slogan as well as what experience you can create for your attendee so that your virtual event is unforgettable. 

Module Three: Tech Tools & Logistics

In this module, you will learn what tools to use depending on your event design. What tools to use for your event to be engaging and fun! You will learn the logistics of the digital world so that you don’t leave a lead behind!

This roadmap will give you clarity and peace of mind. Promise you won’t break your bank and we can find creative ways to use the tools you know and still make a great Impact. 

Module Four: Plan the Content & Find Speakers

In this module, you will learn how to decide the content and plan it. The content is the most important part of the event, do this right and your attendees will forever be your fans. You will also learn how to find the best speakers for the content you want your attendees to consume. 

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The Most Sexy Bonuses

That will turn you on like a horny teenager.

Bonus 1

The Irresistible Factor Workbook – Worth $997

This is the complete workbook you need to create irresistible experiences every time you plan a virtual event.

 Bonus 2

Masterclass: How to BOOK Your Ideal Speakers – Worth $1997

FInding the right speakers is easy but convincing them to book an interview or train is not. in this masterclass you will learn how to get A and b lister speakers excited about your event and promoting it everywhere.  

Bonus 3

How to Pitch Your Speakers Effectively Cheatsheet – Worth $997

Crafting the right message is sometimes a make it or break it, moment. Get Script ideas to make the perfect pitch, get better and more speakers booked.

Bonus 4

Private Facebook Community & Accountability – Worth $997

this private group will give you direct access to anna andrea for questions.

Bonus 5 – Disappearing soon

The Ultimate Virtual Event Tech Cheatsheet – Worth $297

this cheatsheet will help you make decisions when it comes to the tools and tech you need for each of your virtual events. never get lost or overwhelmed again with this decisions just go over the cheat sheet and you will get clarity on what to do. 

Bonus 6 – Disappearing soon

Your Irresistible Virtual Event 90 Day Calendar Plan – Worth $497

this calendar will give you an idea of when and you need to do each task and how long you should be working on them. This calendar comes with a video tutorial and a Trello board so that you get the most out of it.

What they say about Anna Andrea…

I have had the pleasure of using Anna as my event production manager for all of my 3 free online video series/summits over the past 3 years. She managed all aspects of production, including monetizing all three summits. The first one more than paid for all production costs through the sale of the series. The sales for the second series earned more than twice the cost of the series production and I anticipate that the third, which is now in production, will do even better.

This doesn’t even begin to cover the money that I’ve made from the expansion of my business through her support of my events. My second launch brought in over $60,000 in ONE month in client service sales. I could not have reached that number without Anna.

Anna is organized, enthusiastic, a great communicator, reliable, accountable, accessible, responsive, knowledgeable of all aspects and creative! I could never have asked for a better event manager! I didn’t even mention reasonably priced! I know people who pay much more and end up with a sub-standard product, which would not happen with Anna.

Anna is an absolutely fundamental part of my online success! I’m constantly telling her that I don’t know what I would do without her and I mean it.

Helen Hillix, MA, LMFT

San Diego, CA

“I’ve been hosting out of this world, life-changing, amazing in-person events for years and in 2020 I started doing them online, for obvious reasons. All my experience and confidence went out the window when I started my online events so I reached out to Anna Andrea for help and support.

I had heard really wonderful reviews about her and her work. I wasn’t disappointed with my decisions! She gave me great ideas and suggestions to implement during and after my events. I’m so grateful I got to work with Anna Andrea and that my online events are a huge success!”

Lorena Morales

Cash Creation Coach

“Irresistible Marketing & Design Agency (Anna and her team) did a fantastic job with creating a website and opt-in for my 21-day summit. They went above and beyond with keeping me accountable for certain items they needed to complete the website. They also resolved any minor link problems in a very timely manner! I would highly recommend them!”

Nicki Hu

Social Media Coach

“Working with you all has been a pleasure! Your experience with summits benefited me because they were able to break it down into bite size steps. They have an idea of the whole picture and they help you market it in a larger way.”

Nancy Moonstarr

License Therapist

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