
thinking of hosting your own VIRTUAL event or summit? Don’t Know where to start?

learn how to create irresistible virtual events:

Get the Complete checklist for free!

Grow Your Email List Faster and Make Your Yearly Income With Irresistible Virtual Events Even If You Can’t Use Technology Or Your Previous Events Have Flopped!

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So WHY Should You Get This Checklist?

We produce events DIFFERENTLY.

The main goal of your virtual event is to create a memorable loving experience for EVERYONE involved, including YOU!

With Anna Andrea’s over 10+ years of experience in live events and 3+ years of producing virtual events for her clients and her own… She came up with the perfect formula to make your events stress-free, irresistible, and profitable every single time.

The Irresistible Virtual Events Formula™

by Anna Andrea

5 Stages of Events:

1. Design It

Design and plan an amazing virtual event that will give you the host, the attendees, and the speakers a transformational experience. Use the Irresistible Virtual Events Formula to create an unforgettable experience.

2. Build It

Learn what tools you need to build your virtual experience. It will go over the basic tech and the easy tools you can use that won’t break your bank or are difficult to use. 

3. Fill It

Get clarity on the ways you can get butts in seats for your virtual event. This will be key to spreading the word out and most of it can be done without spending that much or anything on ads.

4. Produce It

There are different ways to produce your virtual event, depending on how you decide to deliver it you will decide what you need to do to make it a success. Host an experience like no other! 

5. Profit

Sell with ease, no sleazy tactics, no pushing, and trying to convince. Sales will come naturally into the event process and we’ll lay down for you all the ways you can make money from your event. 

What Else is Inside?

ALL The Core Decisions

The success of your virtual event lays on the foundation. Core Decisions we have to make NOW and through the whole process. From Planning basics to tech decisions to marketing it and profiting from it.

Your Monetization Strategy

Define if you will charge your event registrant and how much you will charge per ticket entry. And brainstorm how you else can you profit before, during and AFTER the event.

Defining Your Topic, Theme, Name, & Content Flow

If the person reading your graphic, landing page, or Ad can’t understand what the event is about in the Name then they will skip it. 

Speaker Research

You will have space to brainstorm up to 100 expert speakers in your niche so that you can create a summit or a live virtual event that includes speakers.

Purpose, Mission & Vision

Your Virtual Event without a purpose of why you are doing it will lack the attention it needs from your audience, include this when planning it so everyone is on the same page.

Organize the Agenda

You will have a clear idea on how to define the dates, times and breaks for your virtual event. This will help your attendees visualize the flow of the event and block their time accordingly.

Tools for Tech

You will find a list of the recommended tools based on performance and of course price. I am a bit of a cheapskate when it comes to tools, so I give you several options so you can choose what’s best for you and your attendees.

What Other’s Say About Anna Andrea

I have had the pleasure of using Anna as my event production manager for all of my 3 free online video series/summits over the past 3 years. She managed all aspects of production, including monetizing all three summits. The first one more than paid for all production costs through the sale of the series. The sales for the second series earned more than twice the cost of the series production and I anticipate that the third, which is now in production, will do even better.

This doesn’t even begin to cover the money that I’ve made from the expansion of my business through her support of my events. My second launch brought in over $60,000 in ONE month in client service sales. I could not have reached that number without Anna.

Anna is organized, enthusiastic, a great communicator, reliable, accountable, accessible, responsive, knowledgeable of all aspects and creative! I could never have asked for a better event manager! I didn’t even mention reasonably priced! I know people who pay much more and end up with a sub-standard product, which would not happen with Anna.

Anna is an absolutely fundamental part of my online success! I’m constantly telling her that I don’t know what I would do without her and I mean it.

Helen Hillix

MA, LMFT, Host of the Sacred Sexuality Summits

Finding Anna Andrea was a dream come true! I wouldn’t have gotten to first base with my online Summit (my first one!) if not
for her expertise, experience…. and loads of talent. From the stunning graphics to organizing all the logistics, Anna Andrea was there for me: She put all the pieces together – emails, deadlines, web pages – the whole nine yards. She’s also so generous with her time and a joy to work with! In fact, we’ll be doing many more projects together…. If she’s available, my recommendation is “grab her”!

Miriam Langsam

MS EFT-Adv CH, Host of the Healing Childhood Trauma Without Drama Summit

Anna Andrea Martinez

Founder of Anna Andrea Digital. creator of the irresistible virtual event formula. host of the chatbots for coaches summit, and Build Your Own Virtual Stage Summit. Beach-obsessed event strategist, award-winning certified event planner, designer & Tech Nerd.

Anna Andrea’s event experience, tech skills, self taught design, strategies and programs have helped visionary & purpose-driven coaches break out of their shells and start making the money they deserve online with the time freedom they crave. Her no-fluff approach to teaching all the secret tactics and marketing principles she knows has helped her clients reach 4 to 6 figures in a month in their businesses since working with her. She supports experts, visionary coaches and professionals with building their dreams by planning, designing, building, and producing their Summits, Live [Virtual] Events, Funnels, chatbots, and more! She has a mission to create irresistible experiences for her clients’ clients and make transformational events that actually make a difference in this world.

She will be your biggest cheerleader and supporter once you lock arms with her.

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