How is Your Self-Esteem, Healthy or Unhealthy?

What is keeping you from publishing online? Most of us struggle with a thing called self-esteem, which causes us a distorted self-image. When we believe this distorted self-image we will auto-sabotage all opportunities when they involve putting ourselves out there. Do not let this from stopping you to be successful. Check out today’s podcast to know more about what we can do to have healthy self-esteem and thrive online!

(Listen to all this and more in the podcast here for iTunes. )

You’re not alone. It’s really hard to get your skills and create something online and put it out there because there’s so many things that could happen and some things that will not happen and some things that are going to flop. And I mean you’re going to fail. That’s like guaranteed.

And some people are afraid of failure. Some people are afraid of success later on or right off the bat. I was afraid of both. And but I was no stranger to failure. I failed so many times like I was coming back from college in 2014 after I finally graduated I should have graduated in 2009. 

I came back with quarter life crisis ready, graduated but over weight. Broken hearted as well I had to come to terms that the love of my life was not really it. I had no idea what I would do with my life and the self-esteem I had was a very crappy one. 

This is to say the least but I was feeling like an ugly fat woman who had to go live with her parents even if I just finally passed my last exam, that didn’t even have an impact because I was self loathing… listen to the podcast to hear more about what I did and how it has helped me get my self-esteem into a healthy spot to be able to build a business online. 


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If you have received value, any "aha" moments, or anything that has helped you with your mindset or business online... then please review it (5 stars if you like)! I will feature a winning review a week here on my blog and give you a shout out if you do. And also I will be extremely grateful as well.