What Type of Virtual Event


Helping love professionals create authentic and profitable connections with their customers through outstanding experiences online using the power of virtual events. 

Hi, I’m Anna Andrea

A bilingual Salvadorian Business Owner, a Certified Event Planner from Universidad de Palermo, a self-taught Designer & Artist, a Woman in Technology who loves nerdy stuff, and a straight shooter strategist who loves helping my clients become irresistible online. My mission is for you to create authentic and profitable connections with your customers through outstanding experiences. For your customers to become your raving fans and have them rave about your virtual & in person experiences, so much they refer you all the freaking time!

Services and Products:

Want A Complete Guide That Helps You Design an Irresistible Experience For Your Next Virtual Event?

Create a Transformational Experience That Will Be Talked About For Years! Touch Hearts, Save Marriages, Reach Clients WorldWide, Help Heal Relationships & More!

What Others Say About Anna Andrea

I have had the pleasure of using Anna as my event production manager for all of my 3 free online video series/summits over the past 3 years. She managed all aspects of production, including monetizing all three summits. The first one more than paid for all production costs through the sale of the series. The sales for the second series earned more than twice the cost of the series production and I anticipate that the third, which is now in production, will do even better.

This doesn’t even begin to cover the money that I’ve made from the expansion of my business through her support of my events. My second launch brought in over $60,000 in ONE month in client service sales. I could not have reached that number without Anna.

Anna is organized, enthusiastic, a great communicator, reliable, accountable, accessible, responsive, knowledgeable of all aspects and creative! I could never have asked for a better event manager! I didn’t even mention reasonably priced! I know people who pay much more and end up with a sub-standard product, which would not happen with Anna.

Anna is an absolutely fundamental part of my online success! I’m constantly telling her that I don’t know what I would do without her and I mean it.

Helen Hillix, MA, LMFT

San Diego, CA

As Seen On (in Spanish)

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