How to Become Attractive to Your Ideal Client?

To become attractive to your ideal client takes work. This implies that we also need to already know who our ideal client is. We cannot attract someone we no nothing about. So start there. Figure out who your ideal client is, how do they act, how do they think, what do they do, what do they like, hate and are obsessed with. You need to know what they say and how they react. This is just the starting point to beging to market your brand. Most people forget this is essential, without this we cannot sell like we want to. We can still sell by forcing people to buy from us, but we don’t do that here in The Irresistible Marketing Lab! We make them fall in love with us instead! Less resistance, way more retention. Sustainable business model.  

We need to be able to talk to our audiences the right way so you can become attractive to your ideal client. Now this space is for us to learn how this irresisitbility factor comes from the inside out. On this weeks podcast I have broken it down in 4 steps we need.

(Listen to all this and more in the podcast here for iTunes. )

We need to work on our minds more than our businesses, that’s what Jim Rohn used to say and it’s oh so true. Especially when we have to put ourselves out there. 

1. Work on your Thoughts, Feelings and Actions.
In the book The Perfect You by Dr. Caroline Leaf we learn that to be all we aspire “Happy” we need to check our ATTITUDE. See if we are acting with toxicity or with love. If it’s the latter keep doing what you doing! If it’s toxic – it needs to go to waste! VETO those thoughts and change the perspective. 

2. Know their (Ideal Client) pains and needs.
The more you know and talk about their pains, the more attractive you will become.
It tells them that you know about the subject.

3. Hang Out where they are and be HELPFUL
Do not help with agenda, help to be helpful.
Be a person of Value
Serve others for the sake of serving.

4. Excellent Customer Service 

We need tohave impecable customer service when it comes to treating our current clients and prospects. Clients are not always right but we do have to treat them with respect and kindness. Setting expectations correctly can avoid a lot of pain in their experience with your brand. this will also give you respect and less problems!

 Listen to the podcast for more details!


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