
What We Need to Achieve Real Changes in 2020?

Regardless if you are setting your New Year Resolutions, or if you are writing down your goals, you have to know that ” for things to change, you have to change.” – Jim Rohn

 WE need to start by believing WE CAN change. One step at a time. 1% every day. That’s it, no need to pressure ourselves into quitting from becoming that potential you have inside. So what do we do? Listen to the podcast here and I will tell you about how

1. Ask Ourselves the TOUGH questions to see, where we are.
Examples of questions that are tough to answer:

Why do I feel miserable? Why didn’t I achieve that goal?
Why am I stuck? Why everyone hate me? Why do I hate myself? Why am I procrastinating?
Why am I self-sabotaging? What makes me feel that way?

2. Answer those questions with TRUTH to know what to Change. 1 Thing at a Time.

7 times deep – ask yourself why to the answer to the previous question. To get to the root cause. (learned this from Jack Canfield)

3. Listen to What You Say To You, what you say to others about you.
Most likely what others say about you is way nicer of what you say about you. We are our biggest Judges.

4. Detox Your Mind by Changing those Words to the opposite.
This takes surrendering everything, what people say as letting go.
It takes Grace and Forgiveness
Being free of what will people say.

5. Take Action.

To be able to make changes in 2020 that actualy affect your future self and get you to achieve those goals that you so much desire. Do not listen to the nay sayers, yes yes we’ve heard it all before. But I know that if you are reading this and listening to the podcast (click here or scroll up and play!) you are serious this time. I know I had to be, and I always have to sit my three letters and meditate on what I want to do with what I am thinking, feeling and choosing. It’s not easy, but if we can catch urselves we can crush those thoughts with completetly different perspectives. To make changes in 2020 it is necessary to change our thinking. 

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